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On near occasion to celebrate Have a Heart Adoption Day (5th September) we are publishing touching relation when “adoption mother” meeting child from the program. It took place in Ruhango in Rwanda at 29th of June 2017. Beata is supporting 18 years old boy Rwamigabo Assumani, who is currently attending high school. She went on...

Have a Heart Adoption Day in Catholic Church – Celebrations in Poznan. This year „Maitri” movement initiated for the very first time celebration of Have a Heart Adoption Day in Catholic Church.  Celebration took place 5th of September 2017 a in Parish of Christ Servant in Poznan. A part of of ceremony was ceremonial holy mass...

The Maitri travels in Africa - in June/July this year, two Maitri representatives have visited Africa to oversee the activities of the local centres cooperating with the Movement. Burundi At the end of June, Tadeusz Makulski - the Maitri Movement Coordinator, visited missionary centres in Burundi (Bujumbura, Gatara, Buraniro) run by the Congregation of the Sisters of the...

Sponsoring a child in the developing world does not involve only the financial aid. It is important to note that through close relationship, support and interaction there is a special bond created between the child and the sponsor. This is the reason as to why we have named our long-term scheme “Heart Adoption” because strong...

The MAITRI meets with the diocesan disabled community in Sopot The MAITRI meets with the diocesan disabled community in Sopot. Stanisław Łada, The Priest in the Church Ministry to The Disabled and Sick in Gdańsk diocese, invited the representative of the MAITRI Movement to a formal liturgy organised for the members of “The Centre of the...

The Academy of Good Education – the students help their African peers The “Have a Heart Adoption” programme is often associated with the adults’ participation who, through the sponsorship, help the children from the developing countries, improving their living conditions and making it possible for them to attend the schools. What rarely crosses our minds, is...

A letter to the “Faith & Light” community & the disabled in Aleppo  Polish “Faith & Light” communities have compiled a letter to the disabled in Aleppo. The community of the Latin Parish of St. Francis in the western part of Aleppo in Syria. The letter was written on Good Friday, as a response to The Maitri...